Episode 259: Chad Veach makes authenticity and overcoming anxiety simple
00;00;00;00 - 00;00;24;14
Rusty George
As a pastor or staff member of a church, it is common to experience compassion fatigue and find that you spend so much time caring for others, you're not caring for yourself. Saga wants to help foster healthy churches by facilitating the support of the emotional, mental and relational health of their leaders. As a partner of Saga, pastors and staff can confidently and easily begin their journey by being uniquely matched to a therapist that best fits their needs.
00;00;24;26 - 00;00;40;27
Rusty George
To learn more about our church partnership with Saga, go to Saga Center Dawg. That's Saga Center dot org.
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Welcome to Leading Simple with Rusty George. Our goal is to make following Jesus and leading others a bit more simple. Here's your host, Rusty George.
00;00;52;01 - 00;01;08;17
Rusty George
Hey, everybody. Welcome to episode 259. Now, every now and then you get a chance to talk to somebody. You're kind of just geeked out a little bit, but you get to have this conversation with them. You're a little bit nervous about because, you know, this is coming up when you see it on the calendar. You're grateful that they said yes to be on the show.
00;01;09;01 - 00;01;33;19
Rusty George
And then when they come on, they are so disarming and they're so authentic. You just feel like you've been friends forever. Chad Veach is that guy. Chad is a social media influencer. He is an author. He is an incredible communicator. He's going to be at our revival coming up in November. And he leads a great church called Zoe Church down in the Los Angeles area.
00;01;33;28 - 00;01;58;06
Rusty George
I could not wait to have Chad Veach on, and he delivered. I can't wait for you to hear what he has to say about authenticity and overcoming anxiety. Well, I want to thank Saga Counseling for helping us overcome anxiety. Saga does so much good work in helping us deal with our mental health. And if you are interested in talking to somebody about your mental health, check out Saga counseling dot com at Saga counseling dot com.
00;01;58;11 - 00;02;13;05
Rusty George
Okay. Can't wait for you to hear my conversation with pastor, author, incredible fashionista dresser, and now friend Chad Veach. Chad Veach, it's an honor to have you on Leading Simple. Thank you so much for joining me.
00;02;13;28 - 00;02;15;24
Chad Veach
It's an honor to be here. Thanks for having me on.
00;02;16;16 - 00;02;26;04
Rusty George
Well, tell us a little bit about yourself. A lot of us kind of know a little bit about your story. Some of our listeners do not. You're in LA now, but what's the journey? Tell us who you are and what you do.
00;02;27;04 - 00;02;53;15
Chad Veach
Yeah, I'm a pastor's kid from the Seattle area. I moved down here from for my first stint in 1998 to go to Bible College. I was here for six years. I worked at a church in in East L.A. for about five and a half years, moved back up to Seattle, worked at a church there for ten years, and then came down here with my wife and planted a church called Zoe seven years ago.
00;02;53;16 - 00;02;56;13
Chad Veach
So that that's that's it in a nutshell.
00;02;57;04 - 00;03;01;16
Rusty George
Wow. Okay. So Seattle, does that make you a Seahawks fan or.
00;03;01;17 - 00;03;02;01
Chad Veach
Oh, yeah.
00;03;02;02 - 00;03;02;29
Rusty George
Okay. Okay.
00;03;03;10 - 00;03;27;24
Chad Veach
Seahawks, Washington Huskies, everything. Okay, so the songs got stolen from us. So, you know, I'm not going to become an Oklahoma City Thunder fan. So go Lakers. And when I moved down to L.A., I called my dad said, Dad, I'm done with the Mariners. Yeah, I am leaving the Mariners. I am going to become a Dodger fan. And since then, they went to went to three World Series and won one.
00;03;28;03 - 00;03;29;17
Chad Veach
So I think I made a good decision.
00;03;30;09 - 00;03;33;19
Rusty George
Well, I think you might be the cause of that. That's what it sounds like.
00;03;33;22 - 00;03;38;04
Chad Veach
I don't want not to ask Be the glory, not to us, but to your name.
00;03;39;17 - 00;03;47;28
Rusty George
There you go. There you go. Okay, so I know you're friends with Judah Smith, but did you serve in his church? Is that the connection there? Seattle and L.A.?
00;03;47;28 - 00;04;11;16
Chad Veach
Yeah. Right before we got ready to come down to our church, our daughter had just been born and was diagnosed with. With a rare brain condition. Hmm. And so we didn't feel like we had the strength to come down right away. So Judah was kind enough to say, Hey, come and be on staff. Come in and sit in and chill out here until you're ready.
00;04;11;16 - 00;04;30;26
Chad Veach
And then when you're ready, we'll send you. And so the first year, all I did was come the staff and come on Sundays, traveled and preached. And and then the next year I was so bored. After a year I said, Hey, please let me do something. Please put me to work. I I'm not built for traveling. I miss people.
00;04;31;07 - 00;04;37;18
Chad Veach
So I got to work for about the last year of being with them. And then we went, came down and planted.
00;04;38;03 - 00;04;39;05
Rusty George
Tell us about your daughter.
00;04;39;20 - 00;05;04;11
Chad Veach
Yeah. So her name is Georgia. She's 11 now. Wow. And when she was born, she was born with a rare brain condition. For whatever reason, her brain just did not form so that, you know, she's never she's never done much of anything. She's never talked, she's never crawled. She's never even rolled over. She's, you know, she gets all of her feeding through a tube.
00;05;04;11 - 00;05;17;22
Chad Veach
She's on a lot of medications. She really suffers from a lot of seizures. Hmm. But she's a miracle. And she's lived longer than they ever would have projected it. And she's done better than anybody ever thought she would.
00;05;18;04 - 00;05;37;06
Rusty George
Okay. So I did not know we were going to go here, but if you don't mind, I think it's beneficial to our listeners to know that just because you follow Jesus doesn't mean everything's going to be perfect. And obviously it's some of those darkest times where you learn the most about God. What have you learned about Christ through this very difficult journey?
00;05;37;22 - 00;06;01;28
Chad Veach
Yeah, you know, what do they say? You wouldn't wish this on your worst enemy. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, But. But then again, I wouldn't trade it for the world because it really. Hmm. You know, when Jesus says, Pray God, give me my bread, my daily bread, when you when you go through something like this or, you know, a lot of times we think that hard times is like an event or a season.
00;06;01;28 - 00;06;23;05
Chad Veach
But, you know, 11 years of raising a child that's never said a word to you struggles massively with a ton of seizures. Sometimes your problem is, you know, kind of stays in the in the house or stays with you for a bit. So you really have to depend on God. What I learned about God is truly his power is made perfect in weakness.
00;06;23;07 - 00;06;50;20
Chad Veach
Hmm. And when I am weak, the Bible says, Let the weak say I am strong. Why am I strong? I can do all things through Christ. So God gives you the wisdom. God provides the peace, God provides the people. You're just utterly dependent upon God when you go through hard times. So I've learned about His faithfulness, I've learned about His grace, I've learned about the patience of God, all of the above.
00;06;50;20 - 00;07;01;13
Chad Veach
So I've learned more about his character and nature. Walking through this. I really don't think you learn on the mountain top of success. I think it's in the valley of despair that God does his best work.
00;07;01;22 - 00;07;24;14
Rusty George
So sometimes when when there's trouble with the kids, it can it can drive a wedge in the marriage. And you guys who kind of drift apart, you know, oftentimes the wife feels like a failure because she's so dedicated to family and finds her success there. The husband feels like I've just got to throw myself into work. How did you and your wife kind of grow together through this and find common ground?
00;07;24;14 - 00;07;27;12
Rusty George
Because I'm sure there's times when you're up and she's down and vice versa.
00;07;27;24 - 00;07;51;04
Chad Veach
Well, yeah, The guy looked at us. He said, Here's the diagnosis. Slides the piece of paper across the desk, here's the diagnosis. So sorry. Basically, your daughter doesn't have a brain. And there's, oh, by the way, 85% of marriages that face what you guys are now facing end in divorce. It was like he gave us two death certificates in one.
00;07;51;12 - 00;08;21;09
Chad Veach
Wow. And so we've had to really fight to, you know, stay unified, to stay each other's biggest cheerleaders. Yeah. When I'm down, she's had a pick me up and vice versa. And that's but that's, you know, the vows of marriage in sickness and in health, in rich or poor, for better or for worse. And that's why, you know, you make these commitments to one another that like, hey, this happens, I'm riding with you.
00;08;21;23 - 00;08;32;18
Chad Veach
And so we've had to learn how to walk that out and and really learn. You know, love is a decision. It's a choice. It's not a feelings and emotion. It's a decision. And we choose to. To love each other.
00;08;32;26 - 00;08;53;03
Rusty George
Mm hmm. That's so great. Well, thank you for sharing that. Tell me a little bit about I mean, you're a pastor's kid. A lot of pastor's kids don't want to be pastors. A lot of them don't want to be Christians. So tell me when you decided this was for you. I mean, it's such a great example from your dad or did you have kind of a wondering as well?
00;08;53;13 - 00;09;16;28
Chad Veach
Oh, yeah. No, my my parents are amazing. They're the real deal. They're kind. They're godly. They're fun. They took the things that God's serious never themselves serious. Our house is the house that all the friends want to come and hang out at. My parents are just special people. My dad pastored a great church, and my and my mom taught high school Spanish.
00;09;17;02 - 00;09;37;11
Chad Veach
Wow. So my mom was around high schoolers all the time. And, you know, I just was really blessed to grow up, really fortunate to grow up with parents that were, you know, not perfect, but the same people at home as they were at church. And I was friends with my parents. So, yeah, I was never I didn't have a bad experience in church.
00;09;37;26 - 00;09;54;04
Chad Veach
I wasn't put off. I of course, I rebelled. And I was a kid, you know, in middle school, early high school was kind of like, I don't want to do church, but I didn't want to do it because I saw how hard it was. Yeah, like I could tell my parents were sacrificing and giving a lot and loving a lot.
00;09;54;04 - 00;10;10;10
Chad Veach
And I was going, I don't think I want to die to myself like that. So I'm really grateful to have, you know, had a front row to watch them live the life that they've lived. And they were just great examples to me.
00;10;10;17 - 00;10;26;28
Rusty George
So you decided to start this church down in L.A.? Tell us how it began. I mean, some churches start because another church gives them a bunch of people and some cash. Others are just total parachute drops. You come right down to the heart of L.A. and go for it. So how did this get going?
00;10;27;16 - 00;10;49;04
Chad Veach
Yeah, you know, we just we came down. We moved down. We didn't have a team. We did have an office. We may have any money, really. You know, we were from Seattle driving down about Sacramento. We found a house we wanted to rent on Craigslist. We sent some friends that lived in Ventura to go check out the neighborhood.
00;10;49;04 - 00;11;06;14
Chad Veach
They go, It's a good neighborhood. You should rent. So we got the house we set up for about six weeks, and then we just started doing Bible study in our house. The first Tuesday night. I was doing Tuesday nights that the first Tuesday night we had 11 people show up in our house and I said, Hey, we're going to start this church.
00;11;06;14 - 00;11;24;06
Chad Veach
We're going to be meeting every Tuesday. Talk about it. We'd love to have you join. The team started to grow in our house to about 85 people. When we hit 85. It wasn't the number that freaked me out. It was that I looked across the room and I was like, That guy should never be in my house. I don't know who that is, but that that's not okay.
00;11;25;02 - 00;11;34;24
Chad Veach
So then the next Tuesday, we started renting a church in Santa monica, and we did that for nine months and built up this core to launch this church.
00;11;35;06 - 00;11;38;05
Rusty George
And you said the church is now seven years old. Is that right?
00;11;38;17 - 00;11;39;17
Chad Veach
Seven years old.
00;11;39;23 - 00;11;42;05
Rusty George
Where do you guys meet right now?
00;11;42;12 - 00;11;56;13
Chad Veach
We have two locations. We have one kind of in the little Tokyo area not far from downtown that we have one here on the west side. And but before the pandemic, we were in three locations. We were in Hollywood, the valley, in Echo Park.
00;11;56;24 - 00;11;57;06
Rusty George
00;11;57;13 - 00;12;02;29
Chad Veach
And so we're just kind of getting back to the strength of being able to do multi-site again.
00;12;03;13 - 00;12;06;18
Rusty George
Yeah. Do you do video teaching or do you live teaching everywhere?
00;12;06;27 - 00;12;11;28
Chad Veach
Yeah, we do live from our broadcast location and then we'll shoot it out everywhere else.
00;12;11;29 - 00;12;30;16
Rusty George
Yeah. Oh, man, that's that's exciting. Okay, now I want to talk about your book. You've written several, but your latest One Boy, I totally have title envy on this because it's such a great title when I worry about everything because I pray about nothing. Man, that's brilliant. Word. This idea come from.
00;12;31;01 - 00;12;55;01
Chad Veach
Well, it's just a play on Philippians 4:6-7. Don't worry about anything. Instead, pray about everything. That's good. You know, Paul writes to the church and Philip II, and so we just flipped it, you know, a year ago, Lisa Tucker said your title has to either answer a question people are asking or it has to meet a felt need.
00;12;55;01 - 00;13;20;00
Chad Veach
And so that title to us really met that felt need. Wow, I need to pray because I'm worried about everything. And and, you know, we just live in a culture of stress and anxiety, burnout. And I want I wanted to write a book that is the antidote, the presence of God, The peace of God is the antidote. And that's really what Paul's saying here, the peace of God, which is beyond anything you could ever understand.
00;13;20;00 - 00;13;39;04
Chad Veach
The natural will guard your heart and your mind. So how can we go through all these things that we're going through and not pray? Years ago, there was another great book title that came out from Bill Hybels, and it was called Too Busy Not to Pray. And I thought, There it is right there. We're we got too much going on for us to not pray.
00;13;39;23 - 00;13;56;07
Rusty George
How have you found? Because as a pastor and a father and a husband and, you know, a world speaker and all these things that you do, man, there's there's only so many hours in the day. How have you found the best rhythm to pray? What's that look like for you?
00;13;56;20 - 00;14;17;08
Chad Veach
It to me, you know, meet with God has always been such a morning thing. Yeah. You know, it's something about the morning. So even this morning, my alarm goes off. It's dark, it's rainy, because now somehow Seattle weather has crept into Southern California, right? We used to be called sunny Southern California. Now we live in Seattle, Southern California.
00;14;17;28 - 00;14;39;22
Chad Veach
But yeah, to me it's like, hey, man, let's go get up, Let's read, let's pray. Let's seek his face early in the morning. And I've always been a Bible guy. You know, when I was 18, a guy named Wayne Cordeiro top his son and I how to how to read the Bible every morning and taught us how to sleep.
00;14;39;22 - 00;15;08;20
Chad Veach
So that's always been a discipline, you know from early Bible college days just to wake up, read the Bible, wake up, read the Bible, wake up, read the Bible. But I really do. This book, you know, was reminded to add back in that prayer time as well. Yeah. The thing I love about prayer is that it could be like in written form, it could be walking around, it could be kneeling, it could be, you know, the the point is communication, not the posture.
00;15;08;23 - 00;15;24;22
Chad Veach
Mm hmm. And so I really enjoyed reactivating that part of my life that, you know, I get a little bit legalistic with Bible reading. I needed to add in my relationship. Yeah. Which is what this whole thing is about.
00;15;24;29 - 00;15;43;03
Rusty George
Yeah, I hear you. It can become a little bit like just logging pages for the sake of getting it done, But I mix it up. I, you know, do the year thing and then I do certain books or studies, but the soap method, we've done that at our church for years and it's, it's awesome. Scripture, observation, application, prayer.
00;15;43;11 - 00;15;56;23
Rusty George
And you're right, oftentimes we do the soap without the P and you know, it's just solar and we forget about the prayer. That's right. So it kind of leads us into a just a little bit of knowledge without without the power part, right?
00;15;56;26 - 00;15;57;25
Chad Veach
That's exactly right.
00;15;58;05 - 00;16;10;20
Rusty George
Okay. Well, your podcast I love this saying leadership, lean in. You have some great insights and great guests. Tell us kind of where this idea came from. How long have you been doing it? Do you enjoy it?
00;16;11;02 - 00;16;35;00
Chad Veach
Oh, I love it. It's so much fun. You know, as you know, hosting the podcast is just it's just a ton of fun and right. Yeah. You know, I, I stumbled upon this thing. I backed my way into this thing. There was a guy in our church at a podcast studio, and all the big YouTube kids were leaving or not leaving YouTube, but they were starting their podcast.
00;16;35;13 - 00;16;54;05
Chad Veach
And so, yeah, the biggest names and this guy came to me says, Hey, I got all these YouTube kids coming over, do this podcast they signed with me, blah, blah, blah. I got this great space. I'd love to host a podcast for you and offer that to you all. You got to show up. My team will record it, will edit the videos, will post it, you just show up record.
00;16;54;24 - 00;17;15;27
Chad Veach
And so I went check out the space. I got this beautiful has this view of downtown. You know, it's unbelievable. So yeah, you know, no harm, no foul. So we had a guest in I would say, Hey, preach, and then let's go record this podcast. So we had, you know, good start, but I didn't take it serious. I would, I would release one every six weeks, maybe miss a month.
00;17;16;14 - 00;17;39;01
Chad Veach
I'd just kind of like whatever they go, you know, it's doing real good that the streams are good and whatever. And then COVID happened and I was like, Oh, maybe there's something to this. I just love the subject of leadership. To me, it's like faith and leadership. Faith and leadership. These are my two favorite outside of my wife, my kids and sports.
00;17;39;01 - 00;17;44;18
Chad Veach
These are my two. And so I've just really enjoyed learning more about leadership.
00;17;44;28 - 00;18;07;05
Rusty George
Hey, let me interrupt this podcast for just a second to remind you, if you're not taking care of your mental health, nobody is. Step up and go check out Saga Center, Dawg to find out more. All right. Back to our show. So the cadence you have now, is it is it every week? Do you do you do several, then put them out randomly or just how are you finding your groove with that?
00;18;07;26 - 00;18;26;25
Chad Veach
Yeah, we just learned every week, you know, that's that was the the tipping point to two streams to views to kind of growing it that if you really want to grow a podcast, it's kind of like let's just apply it to church. You know, it's only kind of one thing you got to do to, to grow church and that's meet every Sunday.
00;18;26;25 - 00;18;46;09
Chad Veach
We don't meet on Sundays. We're going to have a problem. The podcast to us is kind of similar. It's like, Hey, if you don't put out a podcast once a week, it's going to be hard to grow this thing. So we've yeah, we doubled down our commitment and the response has, as you know, completely showed that the reaction to that in a positive way.
00;18;46;09 - 00;19;03;09
Rusty George
I don't know if you feel the way that I do about it, but I kind of a little bit like you, I went into it a little bit lackluster and I found that I really enjoy it because I get to talk to people I would never get to hang out with because they're across the country or they don't want to give me that much time or whatever.
00;19;03;09 - 00;19;12;00
Rusty George
But I sit there sometimes and think, this is a masterclass on leadership. And yeah, and I'm just getting to sit at the feet of this master. This is incredible.
00;19;12;04 - 00;19;31;01
Chad Veach
I, I totally agree. And you know, I think any great leader to me is just lives their whole life curious. And and I think the podcast has piqued my curiosity at another level. I just am astounded by how little I know, and that's what I really enjoy about it.
00;19;31;16 - 00;19;54;18
Rusty George
Okay. So I want to drill down on something. I heard you actually talk about on a podcast with Chris Hodges, who's just a hero for a lot of us, but it's this idea of the imposter syndrome. And what a brilliant way to describe this, because we've all seen it. We all know it when we see it. But, you know, we certainly see it in the church world.
00;19;54;18 - 00;20;04;05
Rusty George
And I think now more than ever, it's being exposed as it should have been a long time ago. But how are you seeing this play out? What's it look like in leaders?
00;20;04;05 - 00;20;27;16
Chad Veach
Well, I think we recognize it because we've all struggled with it, too, you know, different phases of our life. We've all you know, another way to say this is image management. We're all trying to placate or pretend that we're better than we are. You know, And I think that the fear in that or the the scare for me in that is that you're going to convince people that you're that you're that good.
00;20;27;27 - 00;20;45;04
Chad Veach
But then what? They're going to get to know you. They're going to realize, oh, that's a shame. Yeah, you know, you're not that good. And you're not that impressive. First of all, if you're a leader, the novelty of your greatness is going to wear off. At some point, people are really going to get to know you and go, Oh, you're just like me, you know, like Made from dirt.
00;20;45;22 - 00;21;18;20
Chad Veach
Oh, you know, like sinful and like flawed and, you know, the dark side to every leader. I think people are so petrified of of showing their weaknesses, insecurities, struggles, humanity. And so with we're living in this imposter syndrome, the problem is, is that people will always admired your strengths, but they relate with your weaknesses. And so you look at guys like the Apostle Paul who said, Guys, I struggle so much the things that I hate to do.
00;21;19;28 - 00;21;38;16
Chad Veach
That's what I'm kind of often doing. The things that I want to do. I rarely do those things. I think we have to, as especially in church, we have to be more sincere, more genuine, more authentic. Now, that doesn't mean we have to go through and tell everybody I did this, that or the other and blah, blah, blah.
00;21;38;22 - 00;22;09;01
Chad Veach
It's just about living a genuine, authentic life. And so I don't appreciate the imposter syndrome. They say over 70% of adults in America struggle with it, and it comes from it's deeply rooted in the fear of rejection and it manifests as insecurity. I'll spend any amount of money to keep up with the Joneses. I'll do everything within my power to be seen as more important than what I really am.
00;22;09;18 - 00;22;22;15
Chad Veach
And as opposed to walking in humility and preferring others and having a very healthy, accurate view of myself.
00;22;22;15 - 00;22;27;18
Rusty George
And that's so well said. And it is something that everybody struggles with. We all wrestle with this.
00;22;27;18 - 00;22;29;09
Chad Veach
Oh, absolutely.
00;22;29;13 - 00;22;30;00
Rusty George
Was there a.
00;22;30;00 - 00;22;50;16
Chad Veach
Time? I think I think that sometimes we fear like, you know, there's a tension here because as a serve it like I've become all things to all people. So when I'm with the weak, I become weak and, you know, it goes on it all. That is to win people. I think we have to be careful or the motive of our heart is to adjust.
00;22;50;28 - 00;23;07;26
Chad Veach
So that we can win people to Jesus. But I don't try and change who I am so I can win people. To me, if it's all about me and my popularity, I just become a chameleon. I think we have to have a little bit more purpose and mission in our life.
00;23;08;24 - 00;23;35;18
Rusty George
Why that is such a pain. I'm glad you hit on that. For pastors especially, we feel this weight of you got to like me first. So then you're like, Jesus. And so we almost spiritualized this imposter thing. And you're right, we use that verse of all things to all people, and really it's just us trying to gain more likes her followers or people that that enjoy us, wouldn't you say?
00;23;36;04 - 00;23;47;00
Chad Veach
That's exactly right. And there's tension. Listen. Yeah. You know, nobody knows our own motives like us and God. And so let God deal with the motives of our heart.
00;23;47;04 - 00;24;04;07
Rusty George
Yeah, that's a great that's a great point. Yeah, It is an interesting dynamic because Jesus looked so much like everybody else that they had to pay somebody 30 pieces of silver to pick him out of a crowd. And on the other hand, he wasn't like anybody else. So he he obviously walked the fine line.
00;24;04;15 - 00;24;05;05
Chad Veach
So good.
00;24;05;22 - 00;24;20;09
Rusty George
Okay, so what about personally? Was there a time you think, huh? I think I got caught up in that. Or was there a time when you felt like, Boy, I see that that could become a danger for me? And how did you fight against it?
00;24;20;29 - 00;24;48;19
Chad Veach
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I look back on years of of of growing up in ministry, starting being a youth pastor, wanting to be like other great communicators, want to have a conference all the you know, I just think we have to call things what they are. Sometimes it's just jealousy, you know, sometimes it's competitive. There's so much humanity involved in all of these things.
00;24;49;05 - 00;25;17;22
Chad Veach
That's why I'm so grateful for God's Word. That thing will mess you up. I mean, you know, I don't know a guy or gal in the world that's like, you know what I love? I love being rebuked. It's nothing like being corrected. But, you know, you start reading this thing, God's word will tell you what to do, what not to do, and what to do when you haven't been doing what you're supposed to be doing.
00;25;18;22 - 00;25;45;03
Chad Veach
And so the word of God, it it just it's all we're exposed. And so the word of God will start to go, What are you doing? You're you're lying to yourself and you're lying to them. That's that's not for my glory. That's for your name. And so I can look back on many seasons where God has really arrested my intentions and desires and my my desire to be important.
00;25;45;14 - 00;26;07;28
Chad Veach
Think about this Jesus walking down the road, two of the 12 snuggled up and they go, Hey, don't you think it'd be pretty great if, like, he got to send your left and I got to send. You're right, you know, when we get to have it. And so that was lurking in the guys that were walking and living with them and watching them do miracles back then that's lurking in us.
00;26;08;13 - 00;26;08;23
Rusty George
00;26;09;11 - 00;26;20;12
Chad Veach
So we've got to let God work out. You know? Paul's like, I got to come back and work on you guys here in Galatia because we got to get Christ formed because clearly it's not right now.
00;26;21;00 - 00;26;38;29
Rusty George
I find such great hope when I look at the disciples because these guys, oh my goodness, I'm just so much like them. I mean, they see Jesus feed 5000 and then 4000 come around. They're like, I don't know what we're going to do. What are we going to do? You know, it's just their lack of faith, their lack of humility at times.
00;26;39;00 - 00;26;43;16
Rusty George
It's just hilarious and so much like my life at the same time.
00;26;44;11 - 00;26;45;06
Chad Veach
00;26;45;21 - 00;27;05;05
Rusty George
Okay. So obviously the Bible rebukes us. We got so much to work on. But let's say you're in a situation where you're working on a church staff and you're working with somebody. You say, Man, they have they've taken a bite out of the apple or they're getting to, you know, we say where I'm from, too big for their britches.
00;27;05;05 - 00;27;22;09
Rusty George
How do you talk to an imposter in a way to kind of wake them up without talking down to them? Is there something that we could say to people that would let them know we love you, but we're concerned for you? Almost like an intervention for an imposter? Has this ever gone well? Have you ever seen this?
00;27;23;10 - 00;27;44;09
Chad Veach
Yeah. You know, I think I think a couple of things come to mind. You know, Jesus. Jesus was full of grace and true. Yeah. So he's full of both. And I think when we're dealing with people, you know, I always think if I don't have their betterment in mind, if I just want to air out my opinion and go off on somebody, I should not be the one talking to them.
00;27;44;18 - 00;27;44;27
Rusty George
00;27;45;09 - 00;28;10;12
Chad Veach
But if I really want to serve them and add value, you know, I've got to be honest now, that's grace with truth. And so I'm gracious and I'm understanding and I'm loving, you know, Galatians six one, you who are spiritual, Restore Gently, the one that's fallen. So I got to be gentle here. I got to I got to be like a surgeon and be careful.
00;28;10;25 - 00;28;33;04
Chad Veach
But yeah, I think that I'm grateful for the people in my life that have called me out or told me I was wrong and helped pastor me. Now when it comes to correcting fools. Mm mm. That's a whole nother story because I can't, I can't rebuke it for I will be the fool. Hmm. I it will harm me.
00;28;33;04 - 00;28;56;08
Chad Veach
So this person has to show me they're an imposter, but they don't want to be. There's a little bit of that. Let's use some Brad Loma Nick language here. They're humble, they're hungry, and they got hustle. Maybe the hustle is a lot more than the humble, but there's some nuance of humble. There is just there might be a little egocentric right now.
00;28;56;20 - 00;29;21;19
Chad Veach
I always ask people, Are you okay? If can I speak into this? Because if not, I totally understand. If you don't want me to, you're you're good. Do you want me to share what I think? Or will you would you allow me to pastor you on this? If you don't want that, I totally get it. I understand you probably got your own thoughts, but if you want me to, I tell you what I think.
00;29;22;14 - 00;29;40;14
Chad Veach
Hmm. So I think we got to be careful not to. When we see imposter syndrome, try and rescue people that you you to of the day. The father was like, you want your inheritance right now. I don't agree. But go ahead. Go ahead. Let's see how that works out.
00;29;41;03 - 00;29;43;16
Rusty George
Yeah. And I'm here when you come back.
00;29;43;16 - 00;29;44;18
Chad Veach
Love you no matter what.
00;29;45;04 - 00;30;03;17
Rusty George
Yeah. Tell me about what's next at your church. What are you guys excited about? I mean, it's. It's a new day. It's post-COVID. We're all moving ahead. We're all. Look at our wounds from that wonderful couple of years. It felt like a decade. So, you know what's next for you guys? What's happening now?
00;30;03;26 - 00;30;27;19
Chad Veach
Yes. So we just purchased our first building over in Highland Park. We're renovating it right now. We're hoping to be open in November and we're really excited about it. So that's our that's our next big project is getting ready for our first ever building. That's that's really exciting for us.
00;30;28;09 - 00;30;36;04
Rusty George
That is so awesome. Well, you keep the other sites that are going right now and eventually find them permanent spaces. Yes, that's the plan.
00;30;36;05 - 00;30;57;22
Chad Veach
Our our real goal. You know, we want to have locations all over L.A., but our main kind of four areas we're targeting is we want to own properties in the valley on the west side of the city, on the east side of the city and the south Bay. That's kind of four main buildings we want to own and then maybe lease out the other spaces throughout the city.
00;30;58;02 - 00;30;59;22
Rusty George
Yeah, that's a great vision.
00;30;59;28 - 00;31;03;07
Chad Veach
But I know that God has called me to Malibu. I mean, come on. My God.
00;31;04;24 - 00;31;23;04
Rusty George
Yeah, I've been praying for that one or Carpinteria, but God has not. Yeah, he's not shown the light that way. Well, here at real life, we have such a huge heart for California, because, as you know, and that's why you're here, if you don't change California, you're not going to change America. You're not going to change the world.
00;31;23;04 - 00;31;41;21
Rusty George
So that's why we do what we do. And if we can ever partner together on church plants or any ministry efforts in the city or in the state, I mean, we are in so love what you are doing, grateful for you and your ministry and your efforts. Where can people find you if they want to connect with you?
00;31;41;21 - 00;31;52;04
Chad Veach
Yeah, our church website is so easy. It's Zoe Church dot org and then I have a website with some resources. Just my name, Chad Veach dot org as well.
00;31;52;10 - 00;32;11;01
Rusty George
That's great. And the podcast is called Leadership Lean in the book, the latest one when I worry about everything because I pray about nothing again, great title and apparently because it came from the Apostle Paul. So of course it's brilliant. So right brother it's been a joy. Thank you for giving us some time and being on the podcast today.
00;32;11;01 - 00;32;18;02
Chad Veach
Oh, thanks so much for having me on and hopefully I'll come back. Let's let's get me you, Ray Lewis, the whole crew back together.
00;32;18;02 - 00;32;41;11
Rusty George
So yeah, Ray's got some time on his head, so let's do it. Chad, That was awesome. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. To everybody listening, I know you're gonna want to share this with somebody else, so pass it along. And next week, we're going to be back with you. My greatest friends in the world, Gene Apple and Mike Breaux, pastors for over 40 years, 68 years combined between the two of them, I guess I should say.
00;32;41;24 - 00;33;01;17
Rusty George
And they are going to teach us how to put together a teaching calendar. For those of you not in the church world, you're thinking, well, it's pretty easy, right? You just stand up and start reading the Bible. That's a little different than that. Jean and Mike have been writing incredible messages and planning out teaching calendars for longer than many of us have been pastoring ourselves.
00;33;01;17 - 00;33;19;23
Rusty George
And they are going to walk us through how to put together a great teaching calendar. You're not going to want to miss this. I was taking notes, even though I've heard some of these things and do some of these things and I can't wait to listen to it again. So next week, Jean Apple, Mike Brown make an annual teaching calendar, simple thanks to Saga Counseling for all that they do.
00;33;19;23 - 00;33;25;18
Rusty George
And I want to encourage everybody to check in out Saga counseling dot com. And as always, keep it simple.
00;33;26;02 - 00;33;51;21
Take a moment and subscribe to the podcast so you'll get it delivered every week and subscribe to the Rusty George YouTube channel for more devotionals, messages and fun videos. Thank you for listening to Leading Simple Lessons. Please, please.
